my personal internet corner

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	__|  |/|\|__   ||l|/,-------8                   8 -| | > Free thoughts      |
	__|._|/|\|||.l |[=|/,-------8 NICE AND COZY     8 -|-| > Bed & Breakfast    |
	__|[+|-|-||||li|[=|---------8   INTERNET CORNER 8 -| | > No charges, no fee |
	_-----.|/| //:\_[=|\`-------8                   8 -|-| > Reclaiming         |
	 /|  /||//8/ :  8_|\`------ 8ooooooooooooooooooo8 -| | corporate internet   |
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hello. nice to meet you. this is my personal page! my online handle is feral cat or k. gaudin, hence the website's url. i will post whatever comes into my head here.

about me

> i post my thoughts, essays, and art here.

> my website has gone through a lot of designs, but its purpose remains the same - whatever i want it to be. it was created as part of a larger movement of web-revival.

> i am, and always will be, queer, so if you do not like something about queer people, you can simply close this website.

> she/her transgender

midnight rider

controls: WASD or arrows

my blog

here are my posts:

you can also find my blog on

ways to contact me

if you want to message me, feel free to do so through