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waiting on a bus stop

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23th of February, 2024 | 23.02.2024 | unavailable on medium

I was returning from my Czech classes, it was around fifteen-to-five in the afternoon. It was quite cold outside, I was waiting for my bus. There are these boards in my city where it shows when certain buses will arrive. One of the buses, number 44, was said to arrive in around twenty minutes. A man suddenly came up to me.

"Has 44th gone recently?" he asked me. I said no. It hasn't. I haven't seen it, at least. The man gave the board a quick glance.

"I tell you, the bus is going to come any minute now," he began, speaking to me like we were old friends. "Last time this happened, the board was reading 27 minutes and it came in 2 minutes!"

I nodded awkwardly and said some filler-in words. I didn't mind his company, yet the way he spoke to me so quickly, without introduction, and with such strong familiarity, slightly confused me. I was never an outward person in the first place, but I didn't shy away from new people.

"They turn off these..." He stopped and made a gesture with his hands.

"GPS trackers?" I chimed in. The man nodded a bit, his countenance was happy, he smiled a bit.

"Yeah. They don't really have a need to be on time, does it? It costs them money."

He said something along those lines. I do not remember exactly what he said or meant, but it's certainly something similar. Maybe he meant the opposite and my brain misinterpreted it. In any case, that's when a bus arrived. It was number 44.

"I told you," the man said and went into the bus. I guess he was right.

I liked him.

ways to contact me

if you want to message me, feel free to do so through letterbird.co